Interesting Notes About Sansevieria

  1. Sansevieria laurentii can cure diabetes. How it could be ? Cut the leaves into smaller pieces and boiled them in 3 glasses of water to get a glass of boiled Sansevieria's extract then drink it regularly. In Japan, Sansevieria laurentii is used to cure piles. To make the medicine you just have to dry the leaves and boil them the same way to cure diabetes.
  2. In Malaysia, Sansevieria known as " The ginny's tongue" and used to cure people from ear's ache, itchy, tooth ache and used as hair growth stimulant.
  3. Sansevieria also has flowers. They smell 's good especially at the night time but they bloom in the short time.
  4. Sansevieria is distinguished from other flowering plants by its disability to produce the identical child plants using plant tissue culture breeding.
  5. Sansevieria's fiber is used as clothing material and mass produced in Jogjakarta Indonesia. The cloth made of Sansevieria is sold at price between US $50-US $100 per piece.
  6. Sansevieria also known as mother in law's tongue because it refers to the legend that a daughter in law always had bad relationship with her mother in law. The sharp shape of the leaves similar to the sharpness of mother in law's tongue. Sansevieria has strong aura, so if you decide to plant them in your garden you can also plant the other flowering plants in your garden that has softer aura.
  7. Sansevieria is the only flowering plant that has societies in almost every country.

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