What Is Organic Gardening ?

When you hear this organic things, some of you may asking the question about what is gardening organically ? The simple answer to this question is that growing flowers,vegetables or herbs in your garden without using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. When you grow plants organically, you work to create a sustainable and balanced ecosystem in your garden that starts in the soil and includes the water supply, people, wildlife and even insects.

The next question is 'How difficult is growing plants organically ?' Well, the question should be 'How easy is growing plants organically ?' The answer is that it's actually easier than conventional way. Why ? Once you begin practicing organic methods, you will quickly realize that everything has to do with the soil. Once your soil is healthy, the time, maintenance and frustrations of organic gardening will actually down.

Why we should pay attention to this method of planting ?
Most people, brought up in a world of chemicals and pesticides, do not realize that adding more chemicals to their lawn and garden is like living on a diet of donuts and soda pop. Sure, you'll get a quick, energetic sugar rush, but soon afterwards you feel even more tired and listless . It's the same with your soil. Adding chemical fertilizer only gives it a quick boost, but does nothing to improve the soil in the long run.

So how to avoid the damage of the soil ?
An organic gardener uses natural mineral and organic fertilizers to build up the soil. Chemical fertilizers and insecticides are not used, because these artificial stimulants and disinfectants compromise the desire for good soil and can also be dangerous. Water pollution from fertilizer and spray runoff reflect some of that danger. Compost is by far the best fertilizer for your soil. You can use ordinary household waste such as fruits, vegetables, lawn clippings, coffee grinds and even hair and dryer lint in your compost bin. The more variety of ingredients (so called "green" and "brown" materials), the better the results of your composting. Mix composted manures, bone meal and other organic fertilizers into your soil as well. Your lawn, vegetable garden and flowering plants will each need different types of fertilizer, so learning which plants grow best in which type of soil will allow you to drastically cut down the maintenance of your garden as the years pass.

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